Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Master's Project: Richard Avedon Pt. 2

Here's the last picture. Took forever to get the arms right, and couldn't get the motion due to the lighting set up.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Master's Project: Richard Avedon

Should be pretty obvious which ones are Avedon and which ones are mine, but let me know what you think.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Final Project: The Albany Bulb

The shooting for this project came much easier than I had thought it would.  All of these pictures came from one afternoon of shooting, from a set of about 250+ pictures.  I exaggerated the colors, and I think the pictures came out pretty nicely.  I present for thy viewing pleasure: The Albany Bulb.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Collage Assignment

The overall theme of this picture is chaos, and a certain superhero needs to step in and take charge of the situation.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Quality of Light Finished

There are my four final images for Quality of Light.  I had a few minor hiccups, but in general this project was extremely fun to shoot for.  For the day shots I had some problems with the sensor on the camera getting dirty.  There were little black spots all over the pictures, and I had to use photoshop to fix that.  I ended up printing the Century Theaters picture, and the clouds and sun picture (the bottom picture).  After fixing up the top picture today, I wish I would have printed that one instead, but I didn't get around to fixing it until Tuesday night.  On a different note, CS4 took out the script to make Contact sheets in Bridge and Photoshop.  I get the pleasure of getting to lab early and making my contact sheet and turning in my completed project.  After taking over 200 shots, I'm glad to say that I'm finally done with this project.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

48 in 24 FINISHED

So I turned in my final images for the project today.  I also got Photoshop CS4 and Bridge CS4 on my laptop now (Thanks Arielle!) so I can actually use it in class.  I'm excited that I can finally use my Macbook as my main photography computer!  Alright so I went with one of the pictures from the last post, then decided to try something else with the second that I turned in.  Let me know what you think, or just wait until the critique...

With the second picture it's two separate pictures, and by itself I don't even like the picture on the right, but when paired with the other one it somehow works for me.  I know the background is completely blown out, but I like how it kind of just blends into the borders of the pictures.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

48 in 24 part 2

So now that I'm done with the shooting of the project, I thought that I would post a picture from the day. I'm still not sure what I want to do for the final picture, but I really really like this one. I couldn't decide between the two, so bonus! (Note: they are two different trees in two different locations)

48 in 24

So far I've taken 20 pictures for this project, and I'm loving the idea of it.  I haven't even left my house and I'm looking at things within my room in a completely different way.  I even found out why my room is so cold at night, there's a few cracks in my windows that let in the cold air.  My plan for the remaining 28 pictures is to take some pictures in the area I live in, and on the way to my friends house/class.  I'd like to get some pictures of friends in this project since they are a part of my daily life.  And here's a picture.
This picture was taken across the street from my house, it had been rainy and cold all day, and at the time it was foggy and also freezing.  The metal post is kind of distracting, but it's kind of a cool contrast between the dark background and the silver pole.

Monday, January 26, 2009

First post

I'll use this blog throughout to post pictures I've taken/take in the class. Here are some recent favorites of mine (also you can check out my flickr account which is posted in my info).

This picture I took for a friend for a Christmas card she does yearly. I haven't really done much with portraiture in my time as a photographer and it's something that I would like to start doing more often. If you want some pictures for any reason of yourself or anyone else you know, let me know!