Monday, November 2, 2009

Master's Project: Richard Avedon

Should be pretty obvious which ones are Avedon and which ones are mine, but let me know what you think.


  1. It's kinda funny because some of yours actually pose more drama. The way he lights his figures is really washed out. I think all of them but the smoker are extremely successful.
    There's something about her gesture getting lost, I think if she had brought her hands up higher, it would have been framed just perfectly.

    STEVE, I'M SO EXCITED THOUGH. Because the first two are just awesome!

  2. It's funny because of each of these in color were great pictures in their own right. The smoker is my girlfriend, and she doesn't smoke so it's pretty funny. We didn't have much to work with, and these are all just my friends and were taken in the spare bedroom in the house with regular house lamps and 2 flashes. Not pictured are the piles of crap that fill the corners of the room.
